Our Marketing team has been using the new HubSpot Drag and Drop Email Editor since it became available (note, it’s still technically in beta.) One of our Marketing Directors came to me a couple weeks ago with an issue.
[Company B] social media links are automatically being input in our drag-and-drop email templates. Is there a way to default these within HubSpot to [Company A] links so we don’t have to update them every time?
We didn’t hear from our account manager immediately, so I submitted a Support Ticket for the issue. (Ideally, this would have been a Support Ticket at the beginning.) The first suggestion we received from HubSpot was to remove [Company B] social accounts in our HubSpot Settings.
This is not a valid solution or fix, because we use those social accounts for posting to social media. (The nerve!)
Eventually, I heard from HubSpot Support:
I wanted to quickly reach out that there wasn’t any documentation or past cases on how this default social account URL is pulled, so I am filing an escalation with the development team for an answer.
Okay, I guess we’ll wait.
One week later, though it was around Thanksgiving here in the US (bold emphasis mine):
I apologize for the delay in waiting for a response in the escalation I filed.
The development team reached out regarding this, and has said that currently it isn’t possible to change which default links appear in the social module for the drag and drop email editor. As with any features that you might like to see incorporated into our software, I would recommend posting a suggestion for this product feature in our ideas forum.
This is a forum where users can post ideas which other users can up-vote or comment on, then our developers see and use these ideas for inspiration for future improvements to the software. This would be the best means of having functionality like this implemented in the tool.
Please let me know if you have any questions about this.

Are you kidding? So, let me get this straight.
- HubSpot has a new drag-and-drop email editor (which is still in beta.)
- The drag-and-drop email editor has a “Social” module, allowing you to place links to your social media accounts into your email.
- This Social module autopopulates these accounts somehow, but even HubSpot doesn’t know how the module is populated.
- There is no known way to change the default accounts for the Social module.
To those of you who are using the HubSpot Beta Drag and Drop Email Editor: Please follow this link to the HubSpot Ideas Forum and “upvote” this idea.