Wegmans Food Markets has shut down the Facebook page of their Northborough (Mass.) store, according to the industry news outlet Supermarket News.
In a message posed on the site, Wegmans said it was taking the Facebook page down on Dec. 9 “because our Northborough (Mass.) store is now up and running."
Later, Wegmans posted a response to some of the comments on the site, noting that employees at the store in question "did not feel they had the resources to adequately" monitor their own Facebook page.
I certainly understand the idea that the individual store doesn't have the time or staff to monitor their Facebook page, but in this day and age, that attitude is simply unacceptable. At the time of shutting down the page, the store had nearly 7,500 fans. Here's some items to consider in this situation:
– You built the Facebook page, and now you believe you don't have the resources to run it. In response, you're shutting the page down.
– Now you have negative press. The idea that you don't listen to your customers, shutting down a consumer-friendly page, even if not true, now is spreading through the media and the communities you serve.
– Wegmans should realize that even though this is an individual store's choice, corporate should have recognized the potential to damage (or enhance) the brand of ALL Wegmans stores.
From the sounds of it, Wegmans certainly has its superfans. The only problem is they might have just turned their loudest fans into their loudest opponents.
Here are some of the comments from the page: